quinta-feira, novembro 12, 2009

SwEeT NoVeMbEr

Someone toll me that Brussels could be amazing.
Someone toll me that I will enjoy the city.
Someone toll me that I will be a great opportunity..

And I didn't believe!

Sincerely ... It is!

Capital of Europe!Magic and Glamorous.

It is cold.
It was a holiday day here, commemoration of something of a I World War, I saw flowers in front of a tower with a big light and I get sad...

Then a stranger tried to fright me and I scream ... and then another stranger spoke with me and everything became normal again.

My hotel says on the front "Not for the ordinary people...". So, I'm a special one!! :)
I entered in my room... I have Papoulis painted on the walls...and everything has class, charm and beauty.

I have been in the main plaza of the town! I stopped breathing...I never see something like that before and therefore I made a little movie with my cell phone.

So many things that could happen in just one night that can transport you to a new reality and almost forget everything, every problems, every worries.

Other thing.. I tasted belgium chocolate (huummmmm) and a Framboise Beer.... I had a great S.Martinho!! :D

Now it is time to focus on work and on tomorrow meeting.

Thanks God!
I love my job!

(Dear reader ... sorry my English ' mistakes)

3 comentários:

Lúcia Pereira disse...

I’m glad for your English, I’m Glad for your Happiness.

Lúcia Pereira disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Sara disse...

bem... isto é uma maneira de eu praticar o meu inglês heheh
parece um exercicio.
ainda bem que estás a gostar, mas é para voltares ok??
nada de ficares aí..
Bom traballho