segunda-feira, abril 27, 2015


Maybe is a mysterious word.
Maybe you want. Maybe you do not want.
Until it is crystal clear...maybe it can be better wait a bit longer.
Maybe is the word "May"+"Be"... Possible to happen and that leave you with the feeling that you need to look for it.
Maybe is somehow your internal motivation that does not allow you to give up because maybe gives you hope.
"Maybe" is so frustrating from time to time, that you truly not understand the power of this word and status...
Maybe I just need to carry on...

sexta-feira, abril 24, 2015


Just a castaway
An island lost at sea
Another lonely day
With no one here but me
More loneliness
Than any man could bear
Rescue me before I fall into despair

I'll send an SOS to the world
I'll send an SOS to the world
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle.

A year has passed since I wrote my note
But I should have known this right from the start
Only hope can keep me together
Love can mend your life
But love can break your heart.

I'll send an SOS to the world
I'll send an SOS to the world
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle.

Walked out this morning
Don't believe what I saw
A hundred billion bottles
Washed up on the shore
Seems I'm not alone at being alone
A hundred billion castaways
Looking for a home

I'll send an SOS to the world
I'll send an SOS to the world
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle.

Sending out an SOS

segunda-feira, abril 20, 2015


Get up out of bed and breathe.
Nothing can be more challenging than discover who really you are inside of you, without take into consideration any external opinion.

Get out of your fears.
Keep yourself free and enjoy the sun shinning out there.

Get out of your soul.
Let your emotions speak for you.
Do not control yourself, let your mind get lost and lost and lost...
Do not force yourself to find and conclude anything.

Get out of your duties.
Allow yourself to have a single moment with no thinking and no personal judgment.

Give up of all the thoughts that pull you to that place that you cannot feel capable to venturing youself.

Put your feet in the road and go away!

sexta-feira, abril 17, 2015

StAy TrUe

To be happy, you don't have to do anything new.
You just have to remember how to believe again.

Believe everything good is possible.
Believe in your dreams.
Believe in people.
Believe in love.
But most of all...Believe in yourself.

Have you ever noticed that people who believe they are unlucky always have misfortune?
Or people who believe they are lucky always seem to have good luck?
Or people who believe they always attract "the crazy ones," always seem to attract them, while those who have fantastic relationships will tell you that love is very real and very amazing?

You have to believe in something before you'll be able to experience it.
Skepticism of great things drives away great things.
Welcoming great things encourages more.
Believe in yourself and in great things, and you will start to see them in your life.

If something or someone bad comes along, let it go...don't let it change your beliefs.
We all come across great things and great people, and not-so-great things and not-so-great people. The ones we choose to focus on and the ones we choose to keep around will bring more of the same.

Happy people tend to spend a lot of time with other happy people. Shady folks have some pretty shady friends. If you try to change anyone or try to "make them" into better people, you'll find it's just not possible. It doesn't fit with their belief system, so it cannot work long term.

When you believe in great things, and bad things come your way, it shouldn't convince you that those great things aren't true.
It should just let you know that they are possible, just not at that time, or with that person, or in that circumstance.

 Stay true to yourself, and stay true to your positive beliefs, and in time, all great things will be yours.

sexta-feira, abril 10, 2015

Go WiTh ThE fLoW


Adventure yourself.
Move yourself.
Discover your self.

Go with your mind clean.
Go with your flavor and your instint.
Go with passion in the heart and brave spirit.
Go with all your strenghts, believing that the best will come.
Go with open thoughts.

Do not think in consequences.
Do not drive yourself into pressure.
Do not make overthinking.
Do not judge yourself, do not get yourself into closure.
Do not hurt yourself and others around you.
Do not misunderstand your values, your beliefes, your goals, your aspirations.
Do not think that destiny is not with you, because... flow is destiny, and destiny is good!

For the moment my motto.

quarta-feira, abril 08, 2015

i LoVe ...

" Love or not to love.
We always talk about love, the right person for us, we talk about our fear of loneliness and in the meantime we forget to follow in love for ourselves, we forget to understand who we are, what we want and what trully makes us happy.

In this conquest to find our beloved one, our other half we forget to appreciate the ones who already complete us.

I am hopeless romantic, I cry to all the sad romantic movies, I am the one that hopes that all the people find the one that makes them sadder and happier than ever at the same time. But I learned that there is not a right way to love, or even a right way to be happy. You should never think you need that one to be happy, because you are much more than that. You are moments, you are laughter and you are life, with all the great things that come with it.

I just ask you to not be afraid of anything, even if it's love, a trip, an adventure. The secret is just to take a risk, even if the bigger risk is just to stay or go back home.

And when you get tired of life because it gets so heavy, you just sit on the couch, read a book and drink coco milk. Then sleep. It will all get better.

In the end, you should choose to love life. "
Today amazing discovery from her blog!
JessBea <3 div="">

TiMe 4 qUoTes

"I fell in Love with you because you loved me when I couldn't love myself."
"The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow."
"One of happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can't change."
"Sometimes the people around you, won't understand your journey. They don't need to, it's not for them."
"If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you."
"If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough."
"Life is about change. Sometimes it's painful. Sometimes it's beautiful. Bust most of the times, it's both."
"Surround yourself with people who have dreams, desire, and ambition: they will help you push for, and realize your own."
"You don't need someone to complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely."
"To be happy is always a great decision."
"Let just be who we really are."

LiTtLe PrInCesS: Mª BeAtRiz


Aprendemos que o trabalho nao é tudo na vida, a familia é tudo o que nos faz realmente bem ao coraçao.
Com todos os defeitos, com todas as virtudes, a familia é e será sempre o nosso porto de abrigo.
Por mais que as vezes não seja facil de ver isso, e ainda que precisemos tambem do respectivo espaço de cada um, naquele espaço e momento em que estamos juntos, estamos realmente juntos sem preconceitos, sem juizos de valor, sem falhas, sem desculpas.

A Maria Beatriz é uma flor! Chegou mais cedo e ainda deu uma dor de cabeça para sair da barriga da mamã, mas conquistou todos com este ar puro de menina bonita :').

A familia Pinto de Carvalho tem mais uma lady :) e como não ha-de deixar de ser vai ser uma lady de garra!

A Beatriz é o meu novo amor! <3 p="">